Rules & Info

HomePhoto Wedding Stories

Rules & Info

 PWS 14th second half image + video competition


Δεν επιτρέπονται logo ή διακριτικά στις εικόνες & στο video

(no logos allow )


Δεν επιτρέπεται η ίδια εικόνα να συμμετέχει σε διαφoρετικές κατηγορίες

(you can't submit same image under different categories)

Δεν επιτρέπονται φωτογραφίες με ΑΙ σε καμμία κατηγορία 

Ai images not allow to any category

Στη νέα κατηγορία film μπορούν να συμμετέχουν μόνο φωτογραφίες που έχουν ῾τραβηχτεί῾με αναλογική μηχανή.Θα πρέπει να σκαναριστεί και το ψηφιακό αρχείο να σκαναριστεί χωρίς κάποιο preset και  ανεβεί χωρίς καμμία επιπλέον επεξεργασία.(Το αρνητικό θα μπορεί να ζητηθεί οποιαδήποτε στιγμή από το PWS)

At new "film category" only old analogue negatives allow.After convert to digital you can upload to pws competition .No other manipulation or editing allow .Pws can ask anytime the original negative .


Entry Uploads Open:12 August 2024

Early entry uploads until 20 September 2024 with price 12 eur for photos 

First deadline 30th September  with price 15 eur for photos 

Final deadline will be 10th October with price of 18 eur for photos 


Winners announcement 5th November 2024 

This second half all the winners will receive ONLY certificates and not glass trophies

new rules PWS – HONORS OF EXCELLENCE (based on wppi,aipp and helped by Jerry Ghionis)

In 2013, pws launch a new, Accolades of Excellence program.These entries can be from the Annual and 2nd half online competition

The new program will be called: Honors of Excellence and the new rules will be active from 2018

The program’s main goal is to encourage excellence, educate photographers and motivate them to be constantly committed to their craft by entering the competition and to be recognized by their peers for their achievements.

The program is influenced by the A.I.P.P. (Australian Institute of Professional Photography) and its competition with notable unique changes and additions.


Any entry can be entered into both the online competition and the annual competition, but it cannot be counted twice. If an image is entered into both the online and the annual competition then the higher score will count towards your Honors of Excellence title. In most cases, over half of your points must come from the annual competition as detailed in the “Titles/Designations” section below.


Currently, when someone scores an 80 or above, it is simply called an Accolade. Which means that there is no distinction between someone who scores an 80 and someone who scores a 100. Points will now be designated as follows:

An entry that scores:

80­-84 Receives a”Silver”award

85­-89 Receives a “SilverDistinction”award

90-­94 Receives a “Gold”award

95­-99 Receives a “GoldDistinction”award

100 Receives a “Platinum” award




Every year, a member's 7 top scoring entries will contribute to their Honors of Excellence status. These entries can be from the 1st and 2nd half image and Album Competition. This is considered a cycle. NO images entered in the annual competition can be entered again in the following Second Half Competitions.

Any entry can be entered into both the online competition and the annual competition, but it cannot be counted twice. If an image is entered into both the online and the annual competition then the higher score will count towards your Honors of Excellence title. 

Points will be awarded as follows:

For entries that score:

79 or lower No points awarded.

80­-84 A member will receive 1 point towards their Honors of Excellence designation/title.

85-­89 A member will receive 1.5 points towards their Honors of Excellence designation/title.

90-­94 A member will receive 2 points towards their Honors of Excellence designation/title.

95­-99 A member will receive 2.5 points towards their Honors of Excellence designation/title.

100 A member will receive 3 points towards their Honors of Excellence designation /title.

A Grand Award recipient receives 5 points towards their Honors of Excellence title. The entry that won the Grand Award will only receive 5 points. For example, if an entry received a silver distinction and then went on to win the Grand Award, then the print receives 5 points, not 6 points. In other words, the points for a particular entry do not accumulate if it also wins the Grand Award.




General rules:

Every year, a member’s four top scoring entries will contribute to their Honors of Excellence status. These entries can be from  the annual photo and album competition..


When a member accumulates 5 points hey will receive a Associate of PWS title.

When a member accumulates 20 points, they will receive a Craftsman of PWS title. NOTE: These points may be accumulated from the annual photo and album competition.

When a member accumulates 20 additional points (for a total of 40+ points) the member receives a Master of PWS title. 

When a member accumulates 20 additional points (for a total of 60+ points) the member receives a Double Master of PWS title. 

When a member accumulates 20 additional points (for a total of 80+ points accumulated), the member receives a Triple Master of PWS title. 

When a member accumulates 20 additional points (for a total of 100+ points accumulated), the membership received the Grand Master of PWStitle.

NOTE: In order to actually receive the Grand Master of PWS, the member must have also received 2 gold awards or above and  1 Grand Award from the  image and album competition at some point during their time in the program. If they have not yet received a total of 2 gold awards and 1 grand award, then they retain their 100+ points indefinitely and from that point simply strive to achieve the missing gold or grand award to achieve their Grand Master of PWS title.

The Grand Master of PWS title holds a lot of prestige. It will be difficult to obtain because of the amount of skill and longevity that is needed to achieve it. But it is still attainable enough to encourage members to work towards that title. No one who earns this award will be unworthy of it ­ they will have earned it over a number of years and with consistently highest scoring prints.


RULES COMPETITION Wedding Clarification

Images entered in the Wedding category must have been taken on the day that the ceremony was performed.

All other bridal images not created on the wedding day will need to be entered in category  “ Wedding non­ wedding Day” 

The top 5 scoring entries in each category will be re-­judged to determine the first, second and third place winner.

The new majority rule during judging

Majority Scores
For a image score to be accepted in any award score range (e.g., 80 – 84; 85 – 89; 90 – 94; 95 – 99; or 100), a MAJORITY of the judges must have scored the entry in that range or higher.

MAJORITY RISE. As an example, when three judges score a image at 80 and the other two judges score it at 78, the average computed score for the entry is a 79. However because a majority of judges have scored the print in the silver award range it must be awarded Silver. The entry’s score is announced as “80 Majority” and the score entered to the system is an 80.

MAJORITY FALL As an example, when three judges score a image at 79 and the other two judges score it at 82, the average computed score for the entry is an 80. However because a majority of judges have scored the print below the silver award range, a Silver award cannot be granted. The score will be announced as “79 Majority” and the score entered to the system is 79.

Other notable changes / additions / clarifications

If there are not enough entries or quality entries into a category or division then PWS reserves the right to refrain from awarding first, second, third and Grand awards.




The competition is open to members and non­members PWS from anywhere in the world except where prohibited by law.


max image size 4MB (optimum qualitty 2500 long size @75dpi JPEG)

max time fo the video is 7 min

Entrant must have captured and created the original exposure within the last 24 months from date of entry deadline.

Entries that have been previously entered in PWS Print Competition and Album Competition may not be entered again.

No identifying studio signature or photographer name can be visible on the front of the image, as the judging is all done anonymously.

Each image entered may be submitted in only one category .

No plagiarism or copy of the original photo allow

All processing, manipulation and printing or rendering, must be done by the entrant or under their direct supervision. You may use a digital artist to retouch and print your work. In other words, you may instruct your digital artist and say something like: “Bring out more details in the shadows and highlights, increase saturation, add a soft vignette, nip tuck the bride’s belly and remove the cigarette from the ground.” Rather than saying: “I’ll send you the file and please interpret the image the way you want. Hoping for a Gold.”

No two entries shall be of the same subject, in the same location in the same category or resemble any other of your entries. Each entry shall be unique to your other submissions. You may enter an individual photograph in the print competition as well as include it amongs images featured in an album entry.

No images taken at a workshop or seminar or under the guidance of an instructor are eligible to be entered into the competition. Only the images made by the instructor can be entered in the appropriate category.

With the exception of textual elements, entries must be 100% photographic in origin. All photographic elements must be captured by the entrant. Stock images like skies, trees, buildings, illustrations, or any element not created by the entrant are not allowed. Non­photographic filters and actions produced by third parties that enhance characteristics of an image but do not add elements to an image are permitted in all divisions except the Photojournalism category. Non­photographic graphic elements like patterns, textures, frames and motifs are only allowed in album categories and all categories in the Creative division.

PWS has the right to disqualify or re-categorize any entry if it does not meet our basic requirements. Rules may be changed or modified without notice.


Entrants must be at least 18 years of age as of the date of entry. CONTEST IS VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.

Applicants agree that any entry, or part thereof, may be used by PWS in any part of their publications, affiliated publications, printed materials or electronic media, such as, but not limited to, their websites or their affiliate’s websites.

Each print entry consists of an entry form, an entry fee .

Each album entry consists of an entry form (submitted online), an entry fee and the uploaded digital files.

The entries will be judged in accordance with the Judging Criteria, as defined below. The entry must not, in the sole and unfettered discretion of the Sponsors, contain obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content. Entries deemed inappropriate will be disqualified.

Online entries must be made by the authorized account holder of the email address submitted at the time of entry. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e­mail address by an internet access provider, online service provider, internet domain owner, or other person or organization (e.g., business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address.



Images entered in the Wedding category must be made on the day that the ceremony was performed.

All other bridal images not created on the wedding day will need to be entered in another category such as Bride and Groom Together: Non ­Wedding Day or Bride or Groom Alone: Non­ Wedding Day

The photographer or photographers must have been officially commissioned by the subjects to record their event.

­ Bride and Groom Together & Bride or Groom Alone: Wedding day
Images of a bride and groom created on their wedding day where they are the main focus of the image.
­ Engagement
Any photographs of a couple taken before their wedding day in non­ wedding day attire.
­ Wedding Details
Accessories of the bride, groom, ceremony or reception are featured as the emphasis in this category.


Entries into this category may be commissioned or non commissioned. This category can include portraits both posed and moment ­based. These portraits may include corporate, travel, creative and interpretive portraits.
Individual or group portrait

Featuring a single person ,2 or more persons
­ Children / Babies
From newborns to small children.
­ Baptisms / Babies

­ Wedding Photojournalism

Unposed, undirected, limited post processed wedding images.
­ Bride and Groom Together & Bride or Groom Alone Non­ Wedding Day
Images of a bride and groom not created on their wedding day where they are the main focus of the image.


Albums submitted into the Wedding Album categories must be from an actual wedding day.

Entries are to be completed by an individual photographer or Multiple Photographers, several photographers submitted under the studio name.

Photos that are used as part of an album entry can be entered as individual photographic prints, but as with all images may only be entered in one category.
Album entries will be loaded into a slideshow software program and shown on an LCD projector to the judges. No music or additional graphics may accompany the album presentation. A panel of qualified professionals will judge each album separately. Decisions of the judges are final and binding.

Albums will be judged with the following criteria in mind.

● Storytelling qualities
● Impact
● Style
● Technique
● Lighting
● Posing
● Expressions
● Display quality
● Composition
● Design creativity

Wedding Engagament-prewedding

For engagement sessions only. Single, multiple photographers or a studio may be credited.

Street / open category


Any non­wedding or engagement album: This includes, but is not limited to, photojournalism, special projects, parties (not wedding receptions), graduations,


Images may be submitted 

max 4mb


ALBUM SUBMISSIONS ­ File Preparation
Format for all album categories:
Each album must be uploaded as JPEG images to the website. The maximum number of image files per album is 50. There is no minimum number of images, but each entry should tell a complete story. JPEG files should be saved at the following dimensions:Width: 1920 pixels maximum
Height: 1080 pixels maximum
Resolution: 72 ppi
Mode: RGB color mode (even black­ and­ white images) Format: JPEG file format
Color profiles: sRGB

Image files may be of individual album pages, double ­page spreads, or details of individual pages. All image files must be numbered sequentially, indicating the order in which they should appear (e.g., 001.jpg, 002.jpg, 003.jpg). All entries submitted as image files must be uploaded.

PREPARING IMAGE FILESImage files may be prepared in either of two ways: The album may be photographed with a digital camera and the files saved to the specifications listed above. Or files may be generated directly from the album page ­layout files. For example, if you use Photoshop to design and lay out your album, you could simply save the Photoshop page files as JPEG files to the above size and resolution specifications.


If you are photographing your album using a digital camera, consider these tips:
1) Use a seamless or other photographic background (such as a canvas or hand­painted muslin) to provide a neutral and consistent background for your album.
2) Use a tripod and align the camera back so you have an even horizontal base for your images.
3) If you are not used to shooting copy art, shoot a few test frames to fine­tune your exposures and your lighting technique. It is essential that you reveal as much information (shadows, midtones and highlights) in your album images as possible and that the exposures be consistent throughout. Furthermore, it is important that exposure be consistent across the frame, from corner to corner, which means your lighting must be even from corner to corner with no more than a fractional f­stop deviation. Using a handheld incident meter is advised.
4) You may shoot left and right hand pages together. You may, however, want to make a full­frame vertical image of special photos or details throughout the album. These add visual interest to your entry.
5) Although you may shoot the album cover as an introductory slide,do not include the photographer’s name or studio logo in the image.
6) Any identifying marks, such as gold foil signatures or studio stamps, will disqualify the album.



100 Exemplary­ Best possible use of all skills and creativity: new, fresh and unique
95-­99 Superior­ Approaching the highest standard in imagination, creativity and technique

90-­94 Outstanding­ Exhibiting exceptional skills in all areas
85-­89 Excellent­ Very good use of imagination, skill and technique
80-­84 Above Average­ Good standard of professional skill, creativity and technique
76-­79 Average­ Average professional skill and technique
70-­75 Below Average­ Requires improvement in technique
60-­69 Not up to Professional Standards


● Qualified members of pws will judge prints in the competition for photographic artistry and
craftsmanship. The decision of the judges is final.
● Contest consists of a panel of judges reviewing prints on display and an averaged score being
● Winners will be selected by the judging panel at the end of the individual scoring round.
● Once an entry has been judged, the score for that entry is final. An entry can not be brought back to the
panel and rejudged.
● Decisions of the judges are final and binding.
● A judge may not judge an image in which they have been directly involved in the postproduction of the
● A judge may judge an image whose creator is known to them if they are able to submit an unbiased
● A judge should not refrain from judging an entry where they assume they know the creator. But they
may step down if appropriate. An unbiased score must be given.


Participants also agree (a) to be bound by these Official Rules; (b) that the decisions of the Judges are final on all matters relating to the Contest

PWS reserves the right to make changes to the above competition rules at any time without prior notice.


If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, due to infection by computer virus, bugs, worms, trojan horses, denial of service attacks, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of Sponsors that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this Contest, Sponsors reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual(s) who tamper with the entry process, and/or to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the Contest. If Sponsors elect to cancel or terminate the Contest, Sponsors will not retain any rights in the submitted photographs and will return the entry fees.


Grand award, first, second and third place winners of all categories will receive custom designed, engraved trophies.

Prints that score 80+ will receive downloadable, printable certificates that will be available in your member login area.

An entry that scores:

80­-84 Receives a”Silver”award

85­-89 Receives a”SilverDistinction”award

90-­95 Receives a“Gold”award

96­-99 Receives a“GoldDistinction”award

100 Receives a “Platinum” award


Every year, a member’s top ten scoring entries will contribute to their Honors of Excellence status.

The top 5 scoring entries of each category will be rejudged to determine the first, second and third place winner.

First place winners from categories within the images and album will be eligible to win the Grand Award in their respective divisions.

Winners of all awards will receive a press release to be used to publicise their efforts and can be found in your member login area.
